Enigmatic Rocker


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Here are some of  my favorite sites so check em out if got the notion sway your hips in a rock like motion. lol sorry that is from the simpsons anyway carry on.
These are some other links you need to check out.
the links below are the first ones i thought of so yeah those are the best in some respects so yeah have fun or whatever

yeah so the next one is one remarkable band that can also be found at http://www.goodcharlotterocks.com check them out or else i will have to kill your poodle

Good Charlotte

Here is a link to my friend Claire's web site so yeah check this one out too.

Claire's awesome site!!

Whenever I see your smiling face I have to smile myself because I love you, yes I do. When you give me that pretty little pout it turns me inside out, there's something about you baby.
-from James Taylor's  Your Smiling Face and I use it to describe Joel Madden